Defending or Protecting your Country or Defending or Protecting another Nation
Published on January 30, 2005 By wmsco In WinCustomize Talk
First of all I am not attacking anyone or anybody. And it is not intended to cause Grief. I was watching the news of a famialy who lost their son in Iraq who left his Wife and Newborn son behind (Who only got to see him for 2 weeks). His Parents were trying to find a Justifiable cause for the Loss of their Son and his Life. So Iraq could vote was Honorable, But you see in their Eyes it was not Justifiable.

So I'm asking What your Feelings are, When is it Right to die Defending or Protecting Your Nation or Defending or Protecting another Nation?

So this is a opportunity, for some to vent your feelings and others how you feel about the price you paid. No One is right or wrong it is just how you feel!!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 31, 2005
You seemed very broad in your recrimination. Sorry if I misunderstood.
on Jan 31, 2005
Rash generalization and sweeping statement is always down to ignorance......[wink]....
on Jan 31, 2005
Well, I tend to think like others have said. Military is a profession. If you enrole voluntarely, then you, your family and everybody who knows you must know the risk and accept it. Same goes with policemen, firefighters, and other dangerous professions. The problem only occurs when a person stupidly chooses to enrole in the military to get a free education (or other equivalent ridiculous reasons, such as an opportunity to "travel"). The military is not a Club Med nor is its primary role to provide free education to the poor. If you ask ME, then I would answer that I would NEVER be willing to die for my country (then again, I'm really not patriotic but that's another issue). But nor would I be ready to perform open heart surgery on my son if he needed it. There are people who love what they do and are good at what they do.
on Jan 31, 2005
Hmm I wonder how many have seen or heard a recruiter go after it's prey? They do not show vids of human remains being blow apart nor grieving families but rather the "Be all you can be vids" w/ glamorized focus on we will pay for your education bla bla bla...

I don't even think the majority of the ppl that join actually realize until they are wearing the boots and bullets or missles are coming their way what they did. And I really doubt any of them at that particular moment are ready to die. (but who is ready to die? don't answer that on a bad day) hehe
on Jan 31, 2005
If ppl could behave like humans instead of animals there would be no need for war or patriotic garbage and leaders etc etc.
on Jan 31, 2005
If ppl could behave like humans there would be no need for war or patriotic garbage and leaders etc etc.

That's human nature though.
on Jan 31, 2005
Hey you grabbed that before I used that edit button to change that to say instead of "like animals"
I think ppl don't have respect for each other which causes this whole mess we have going on... but yeah your right I guess that is human nature
on Jan 31, 2005
Boy that smiley sure don't look like my smile... hehe!
on Jan 31, 2005
Hey Doreen,

Most people have to get a scholarship or grant to go to college. It's not cheap. That's when people go to military because education costs too much. And the military is great, by the way.
on Jan 31, 2005
There will always be war, or the stirrings of war somewhere in the world. That is not ideal, but it is reality. And that reality dictates that a nation be prepared to defend itself and wage war if necessary.
Men and women choose to enlist in military service of their own free will, and for the most part it is an honorable choice. An essential part of being a soldier is the discipline to follow orders, and a soldier takes pride in carrying out his/her duty.
Whether or not a soldier would have chosen for his country to engage a particular enemy becomes irrelevant, the discipline necessary to maintain a successful military means that every soldier, at every rank, must carry out their sworn duty, and as I said earlier, they usually take great pride in that.
Certainly military recruiters paint a glorious picture to young recruits, and of course they are going to highlight the benefits over the drawbacks, what prospective employer wouldn't? But how does that compare to the recruiting campaigns of the terrorists? They sell them on the idea that killing anyone who opposes their particular brand of religion ensures them an everlasting life of comfort and glory, surrounded by youg virgins. The families of suicide bombers are considered worthy of great honor, and are even given money, for raising their child to be "fine and honorable" suicide/murderer!
Whether or not you agree with a particular war, at least the volunteer soldier who signed up to protect and defend his/her country did so with the idea that it is a noble cause, that there is honor in putting your life on the line for your country and all that it stands for.
The extremist murderers (no I don't view them as "soldiers" or "insurgents" they are murderers in my book)have no desire to bring better living conditions or freedom to other peoples, most of them don't even have a country they can claim, just the desire to kill, and almost from birth they are fed a diet of hatred and the "logic" that it is somehow honorable to kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.
So, if there were no evil people, no one with a desire to kill everyone who didn't agree with them, no one with the desire to suppress freedom of speech, worship, and thought, there would be no need for young men and women to fight an die in wars. But until that time (which none of us are likely to ever see)people will enter into military service, and they will consider it an honor to put their lives on the line for the principles their country was founded on, even to the point of losing their life. I say we respect their decision, and be thankful that there are those who choose to stand in harms way for their country.
on Jan 31, 2005
"....and that's all I've got to say about that."
on Jan 31, 2005
First of all it is not about the Soldier And He or She is honorable
If he and others like him or her did not volunteered they would have started the Draft there goes honoring his decision.
In the begining of the interveiw the Parents were upset and then of course the news media started saying about the all the criminal things that were stopped and the Voting and she was proud that the Iraqe's came out in such a large no#. But in her eyes and his fathers eyes there was no Justification, they did not want to sound bad on TV, so they appeased the reporter. which leads to the content of this article it is not about the soldiers decision! It is about you who are at home and some of you have payed a high price with loss to your famialy. What is Justifiable? Don't stand behind placards such as Military or President or Laws but what are your Heart felt feelings? You will not be judged or Measured by what is Right or Wrong, It is just simply Put. What are your feelings?
on Jan 31, 2005
So, if there were no evil people, no one with a desire to kill everyone who didn't agree with them...

Well, actually, that's what war is about... on both sides. I don't think anybody could kill anybody without that needed hate of the other side. You can't say "I value your opinion" then shoot. War is a mixture of fear and hate.

If you ask me, the only way to ever get rid of war for good is to get rid of patriotism. Most wars were fought for the glory of their country, on all sides. And that's why I said earlier I wouldn't die for my country. Mt country is just the place I happen to live at, not something I love. My family I love, and I would die to defend them.
on Jan 31, 2005
Like Everyone Else I Have My Opinions. But To Those Who Say "Stop Whining And Stand Behind Your Leader" ....
I Wonder What The American Reaction Will Be When a Coalition Of Wealthy Arab Countries, Eastern European And Asian Countries All Band Together And Say "You Know I Think America Is Getting Too Big For It's Boots. I Don't Like The American Way Of Life, Or What It Stands For. And Although They're Way Of Life Has'nt Been Imposed On Me. Although Maybe They're Way Of Life Is Inexplicable To Me. We're Gonna Go In There And Wipe Them Out (Maybe We'll Even Create a Few Stories To Cover Ourselves Too"
When That Day Comes - I Wonder If Anyone Will Remember That Little Clause That Says "Every Nation Has The Right To Decide It's Own Destiny".
on Jan 31, 2005
I'll start my wife says why are we fighting someone elses battles so what were the no#.1 power why do we have to be the worlds policeman we have problems here at home she says if you old men want to go fight then pack up and go but leave our children out of it they dont even know what life is or have experianced it she says they dont have a choice because if they refuse they get lock up what is that and of course why do we have to fight and I tried to explain the issues of each one of her questions or statments it did not matter the lost of her son is not worth it how can they put a price on my sons head. She said they cant a life is priceless that was her finial say. My self I do understand the issues that are at stake, but when it comes down to it I would feel alot better knowing he gave all in defence of this country and not another whether this is right or wrong that is what my heart says. My mine says different but that's what is in my heart. My wife she always speaks with her heart. So if you have something to say on how you feel then feel free you will not be judged
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