News Media has said "NO difference at the pump" Well what choice do we have? We are not just driving around most of us are going to work or getting grocery's. Let me paint the media a picture. Back the clock to $1.30 a gallon before we sent the troops over . The house mortgages were down so the American dream was possible to have a home and to get away from suburban for better schools and less crime rate. So people are driving 25 to 30 miles to work one way and enjoying what they have and it was very possible and comfortable which now brings me to my point! The media remarks suggest that we should just sell our home and move back to the city upon a moments notice or we are supposed to car pool yeah right if your lucky to find such a person so far from the city. So I think it was a very stupid statement design to make the situation look better to the political arena to down trod the impact it is making on the public.
So if the News Media wants to make a impact how about the state and local Governments price gouging.
What Do You mean? Well if I raised the price of gas to make a profit or take advantage of the situation thats what it would be called. The Taxes they impose on a gallon of gas is based on price and percent thus making more money so if they were really concern about the Oil They would stop,adjust or cap the amount.
Heres another if interested? They being Oil and federal told the small guy to stop pumping Oil and cap there wells! Soooo if we are transporting 60% of our oil from another country and there putting it to us maybe we need to open those wells back up it has to help us some what don't you think? Heres something else did you know we build those oil wells and refinery's that are now exporting to us so who's making the money off that. What do you mean? well some where in the 60ties we went over there with our technology and drilled there wells and refineries and do you think there paid for I doubt it maybe be that was why we went to Kwait when Sodom invaded? hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm
How about this one News Media why do you call china china it is and always has been in this age "Communist China" You see that puts a Little twist when they wanted to buy our oil company which also has deeds to some of our resources here and by the way they have the largest army and it is alarming if you check your history they have always done things there way. Do you think they care if they take oil that could of been for us or raised our prices I Think Not!
Why does it affect the oil prices when Irag has a power outage or threat of some sort? I know some of the reasons but what is funny is our gas at the pump goes up over night because of so called incident, that gas was two wks before this incident at our refinery being developed into fuel there was no additional charges for the oil when it was bought .???????
Heres Another. There is no driving season thats a scam people take vacations all yr round to get away from winter weather or heat and some don't get a choice as to when they can take it,some don't even get one thanks to our wonderful economy?, some relief after labor day for gas prices because driving season will be over yeah right more like construction and developing will start slowing down or possible end of the business physical yr so now pay uncle SAM his taxes maybe thats why gas consumptions start slowing down.
One more. fifty percent of price for gas is crude and fifteen percent is transporting the gas and the rest is taxes imposted by federal state and local Government. Now if I listen to the Oil companies they don't make any money? Well why are we paying for there transportation cost to get there product to us the consumer
seems to me that is there problem not ours. and if there not making any money why are they doing it?????? so what really is the cost of crude or gas?-----minus taxes or transport seems like it would be a whole lot less.
But Don't be Fooled gas and diesel fuel is used from the farmer to the miner from the earth to manufacturers, or factories to the stores it all cost and nobody is trying to find better ways for a cheaper product there just passing the fuel charge to YOU! Heres a clue your not getting a raise or even close to what it takes to be where you where @ 1.30 a gal United States runs on wheels and wings.
So in closing No deference at the pump My foot they got us over a barrel a barrel of crude!