Gas Gouging with a Senatorial twist
Sen. Johnny Isakson
November 13, 2005
ComEd is one of those behind the
37% plus increase in power rates
The OL Senate Committee joke
November 12, 2005 Past week Update:
November 7, 2005 Channel 32 NEWS saying across the country the price at the pumps dropped $0.24. I wander if they were selected gas stations, I am asking this because the reporter was somewhat hesitant and in my area 15-mile radius there was about a $0.12 drop. Interesting, isn’t it. They went on the say the prices are lower than before Katrina. Well Yea, the prices averaged about $2.80 plus for unleaded (87 octane). The prices should be set to $1.00 a gallon at the pumps and cap the price of crude oil around $18.00 to $22.00 a barrel and remove more oil from the oil wells that the Oil Corporations has capped.
US99 late morning, saying they heard the price at the pumps average drop $0.23 (23 cents) but they also said they did not see that drop. There was a drop but no way near what was being told to the consumer.
Channel 32 NEWS crude oil down to $59.00 a barrel, a drop, do to the warmer than normal. Hey people, the Natural Gas Industry just a week ago said the Fall season is colder than normal and that was their reason to increase their rate. As they continue to insist there is a $0.23 (23 cent) drop at the pumps. I have not seen that. I wander if just maybe they are talking about Oil Corporation owned gas stations where they might lower prices of those select stations, giving them the position to say whatever they want to miss-lead the consumer by way of the NEWS agencies.
ComEd is behind the rate increase of 37%. Earlier, a few weeks back they (ComEd) lied in saying they were not behind the increase. Now, they are saying the consumer could see the same as California in 2001 if they (ComEd) don’t get the rate increase. Evidently they (ComEd an Exelon Company) are looking to have their one hundred billion dollar ($100,000,000,000.00) quarter. It appears they are about to finish the forming of what could only be describe as ENRON II in the continuing extreme gouging of the consumer nation wide with Oil (gas at the pumps), Natural Gas and now Electricity. From what I understood, it would appear ComEd is planning outages to prove their point. Outages, by maybe shutting down parts of power plants under the pretence of maintenance, or saying parts failure when in reality they would turned off that section. Shutting down entire sub-stations, if that is what it takes. You know, just like California 2001 with the ENRON fiasco.
ComEd has boasted they spent billions in the recent year to improve service and update equipment while still making a very good profit for their stockholders. I think President Bush hit the nail right on the head last week, when he said War On Energy. A war just like the one with ENRON, only this time the consumer “We The People” can take steps to maintain current controls on power companies and have the Federal Government implement controls on the Oil Corporations and Natural Gas Industry.
The current regulation on power companies needs to be enforced and a new regulation on price at the pumps, with the price of crude Oil and Natural Gas before the taxpayer’s wind-up flipping the multi trillion-dollar bill.
There has been several NEWS agencies covering events where Louisiana will have to pay 3.5 billions pay back to the Federal government for the assistance the Federal Government given in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. My question is, what part of this 3.5 billion was wasted by FEMA, as with the three cruse ships (mostly not used) when Greece offered two at no charge. The monies that was outright given at random with little to no accountability. I wander just what is this position as consultant to FEMA Mr. Brown holds? What is he really doing? To what degree is he taking steps to cover-up this crap while having FEMA pushing the individual states to repay an outrageous amount to cover-up the waste?
November 8, 2005 Channel 32 NEWS with bonuses up about 25% does that include the executives of the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industry with their Public Utilities. They were somewhat vague when mentioning Wall Street in general.
Channel 32 Midday NEWS Exxon saying their 3rd quarter is only10 billion ($10,000,000,000.00) in profit (this is what they are currently admitting to, just like President Clinton, will admit to, only what can be proven). With a Senate committee investigating the Windfall Profit Tax, Exxon Executives were heard to say, you can’t do that. Exxon Executives wanting to change the subject saying they need more tax breaks for future research and exploration. As if the 9 Billions in tax breaks already given earlier this year, by President Bush is not enough.
The Senators are undecided as how the proceeds to be raised from the Windfall Profit Tax are to be used. Suggestions as rebate to the consumer (that is not going to happen) put the proceeds toward development of alternate fuel. Hey people, we have the alternate fuel, its Hydrogen fuel. But the Automotive industries will not put cars with Hydrogen fuel engine on the market. The development of the Hydrogen fuel engines is paid by Federal taxes. The Oil Corporations has taken steps to insure the Hydrogen fuel cars stay out of the hands of the consumer. (Isn’t that an Anti-Trust violation and if it is (I am sure it is) then why hasn’t the Securities and Exchange Commission taken steps to investigate and prosecute?) If by a slim chance, the proceeds do go toward another form of alternate source, the Oil Corporation as in the past will take steps to insure the same fate for any alternate fuel that would reduce the consumer dependency on Oil.
November 9, 2005 Channel 7 NEWS Executives from the five top Oil Corporations to answer questions before a Senate Committee.
Channel 32 Morning NEWS the Top five Oil Corporations are to explain the 30 billion ($30,000,000,000.00) in 3rd quarter profit (for the five largest oil corporations). This testimony will not be under oath.
What in the hell are they talking about?
The Windfall Profit for the five top oil corporations far exceeds the $30,000,000,000.00 3rd quarter the Oil Corporations wants the consumer to be made aware of. An amount many times over, is a political secretes that members of the Senate and Congress wants to keep from the consumer for fear of a national uprising.
Channel 7 NEWS at 4:00 PM, reporting the consumers are not expected to be deterred from Christmas shopping this year by the high prices (extreme gouging) at the pumps and (extreme gouging) home heating. Is this the same as last Labor Day Weekend when the NEWS agencies was telling the consumer the high prices at the pumps has not kept the vacationers off the roads. When in reality there was about a 30% drop in consumer driving that holiday weekend?
Channel 7 continuing with, Senator Ted Steven (presiding over the Senate Committee as I understand) would not allow them (Oil Corporations Executives) to be sworn in. While the Oil Corporations Executives were explaining the high gas prices, it became very evident why Senator Ted Steven, Chairman of the Senate Committee (as I understand his position) would not allow the Oil Corporations Executives to be sworn in allowing the Oil Corporations Executives to sit their and lie with no fear of prosecution for perjury.
Senator Ted Steven went on to insure no one (the Democrats and whomever) were not to ask any questions pertaining to the salaries of Oil Corporations Executives (I am sure that included the hundreds of millions in bonuses they gave themselves). During the questions, the Oil Corporations telling the Senate Committee, saying the profits went back into the economy, in research and exploration.
Channel 5 evening NEWS, Oil Corporation Executives saying their profits are in line with other same size industries. Alaska, Senator Ted Steven overseeing the Senate Committee inquiring on the high gas pricing (extreme gouging) at the pumps took steps to protect the Oil Corporations Executives from unwanted questions and any legal repercussion from the lies the Oil Corporations Executives had prepared for the Senate Committee. Senator Ted Steven deliberately made a mockery of the proceeding wasting everyone’s time while giving the Oil Corporations more time to destroy or edit any damaging evidence of the extreme gouging at the pumps. You know, much like Public Utilities and other natural gas related entities would do, when they are investigated for insider trading. Interesting isn’t it?
Channel 32 NEWS; Senator Ted Stevens insisted the Oil Corporations Executive not be sworn in, (under oath to tell the truth) as the Oil Corporations Executives not wanting a repeat of the Tobacco Industry, when they committed perjury (lying under oath) before a Senate Committee. As Senator Ted Steven followed with, limiting 5 minutes for each Senator to question the Oil Corporation Executives. With such an extreme limitation on the time, it reduced the number and intensity of damage to questions asked by the honest Senators (really, there has to be some honest Senators somewhere). This was nothing more than a pile of crap from Senator Ted Steven and others to protect the Oil Corporations while sending a message to the consumer “We The People”, the Oil Corporations can do whatever they damn well please, with no fear of Federal intervention or legal repercussions.
The Oil Corporations Executives saying they have little control on prices at the pumps after Katrina. The gas demand exceeded the supply with the disruption in oil production from the platforms in the Gulf and the oil tankers. The Oil Corporation Executives went on to say with huge corporations there are huge profits from the huge economy. As they have no control on the rising prices at the pumps after hurricane Katrina. The prices at the pumps had been steadily rising since early 2004. With each holiday (in 2004) the Oil Corporations saying the demand from the vacationers exceeds the supply as they raise the price at the pumps. After the holiday, the prices would no go back down as the Oil Corporations continued pushing the prices higher and higher. Labor Day Weekend 2004 when the NEWS agencies were telling the consumer the high prices at the pumps has not deterred the vacationers. When in reality there was about a 30% drop in consumers driving that holiday, as the prices at the pumps kept rising.
The week before Katrina the prices at the pumps was about $2.75 for unleaded and the week following Katrina, the prices jumped over $3.85 for unleaded and in places local to Northern Illinois over $4.00 for unleaded. Only to be outdone across the United States places going over $6.00 for unleaded. There was no time for any shortage to have an effect on the price at the pumps. It was only the Oil Corporations taking advantage of Katrina (as an excuse) as they increased their extreme gouging at the pumps. The Natural Gas Industry with their Public Utilities followed with increases in natural gas for home heating.
It was more than evident these Senatorial proceeding was only for show. The Oil Corporations Executive knew in advance they would be protected. I say this because they brought numbers that was design to miss-lead the Senators and consumer alike. But even with that you could see the stress on their faces of the Oil Corporations Executives, as they knew their crap with the extreme gouging of the consumer “We The People” is loosing popularity with several Senators they once controlled.
Channel 2 Evening NEWS, The price of oil drops below $59.00 a barrel because of the high inventories. Oil Corporations Executives telling the Senate Committee, they are ready to open records for inspection. They went on to say, the individual gas stations are responsible the high prices as they constantly raising the price at their pumps. The Oil Corporations Executives failed to mention about the Oil Corporation owned stations, has as high or higher prices at their pumps. As the continued to justify the high price of crude oil, saying OPEC is responsible for the high prices. But just the other day the Oil Corporation was saying most of the imported oil is from Canada. It is starting to appear the Oil Corporations Executives are getting mixed up on what lies they have told to cover other lies they have told earlier.
With the above paragraph, the Oil Corporations saying they are ready to open there records for inspection. Hey, that’s great, how about the U.S. Attorney General with the Securities and Exchange Commission take them up on their offer. But instead of just looking at the numbers the Oil Corporations Executives have prepared for whoever chooses to inspect their records. How about a full audit, using Federal auditors looking at how much crude oil was purchased from OPEC and at what price while how much oil was purchased from Canada and at what price with how much oil was pumped out of U.S. oil wells and at what price. The amount of gas and diesel processes and sold at what price too independent stations and stations owned by the oil corporations and the actual price at the pumps for the consumer.
I think everyone knows where I am going with this. Lets have a very close look at what is really spent, how much for production covering all related overhead and how much the finished product (gas, diesel other oil related products) are sold for. Then take a close look at the salaries with their bonuses for the Oil Corporations Executives. Then lets see, just how open the Oil Corporations Executives are in allowing the various Federal Government Agencies going through their books for a very close inspection. Personally, I do not believe they (Oil Corporations Executives) will be all that open when they see the Federal inspectors/ investigators ignoring what they (Oil Corporations Executives) have prepared as they (Federal investigators/ inspectors) start taking there books apart.
OPEC has no say, as to the price of oil that is taken out of the ground on the U.S. soil and the off shore rigs. The Oil Corporations are using OPEC to justify the high prices they are putting on the oil from U.S. oil wells. Which bring up a question, is the price of oil from OPEC really as high as the consumer are lead to believe? Or is it the result of artificially inflating the price of the imported crude oil, by repeatedly buying and selling the same crude as the oil tanker crosses the oceans. Each time pushing price of crude oil higher and higher as the oil tanker reaches the United States.
The reporter saying the consumer is feeling better, with the $0.50 (fifty cent) drop at the pumps in the last month. Hey, the fifty cents drop came over the last two plus months, not in just the last month as the Oil Corporations would have the consumer believe.
I noticed there was a brief mention, there is going to be oil exploitation in Alaska. If this is true, I wonder why the consumer was not informed of this change. The last I heard oil exploration in Alaska was voted down. What happened? When did this change? Was the consumer informed of this and I just missed it?
“If”, the oil exploration has been approved, is that why Senator Ted Steven was so obliging to the Oil Corporation Executives in not having them testify under oath. Limiting the questions to 5 minutes per Senator in a disgusting attempt to help the Oil Corporations Executives in covering up their extreme gouging of the consumer.
If nothing else, Senator Ted Steven openly proved what “We The People” has known for decades. The Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities has control over the Senate and Congress, not to mention control of the Office of the President. It goes without saying they have outright control over the individual State Governments and their States Agencies, Commissions and respected officials.
It is more than disgusting; those who were not voted in office is running our government, Office of the President, Senate and Congress is being run by the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities.
We The People
With the Oil Corporation and Natural Gas Industries with there Public Utilities having control over the Senate and Congress. As recently demonstrated by Senator Ted Steven from Alaska during the recent Senate Committee involving the Oil Corporations. In his laying out the guidelines for the Senate Committee to question the top five Oil Corporations Executives was openly disgusting. His efforts were to assist the Oil Corporations Executives in covering up their acts of terrorism against the consumer at the pumps and in our homes. It was nothing less than a mockery of our legal system. It’s starting to look as if “We The People” might have to use our powers (exercise our rights) under the Constitution to vote out all the Senators at one time. Then replace them with those who are not controlled by the Oil Corporations and Natural gas Industries with Public Utilities. As the first step in putting the control of our government back in the hands of “We The People”. While heading off, what best could be described as the forming of ENRON II and the devastation that it will bring.
On November 9, 1978, President Carter removed the Cap on oil that was imposed in recent administrations. Shortly after the Cap was removed the price at the pumps started to skyrocketed from about $0.38 to over $1.50 a gallon in less than a year. The people demanded a Windfall Profit Tax, (as the Oil Corporations had expected) which the Government imposed. It was proven the efforts were to no avail as the Oil Corporations tied up the Windfall Profit Tax in courts for decades where it died a slow death. The Windfall Profit Tax was nothing but a joke. Design to pacify the consumer allowing them to believe the Government is representing their best interest as they (consumer) continued to pay the outrageously high prices (gouging) at the pumps. While in reality, behind close doors, members of the Senate and Congress with support of the President under the control of the Oil Corporations (later Natural Gas Industries and Public Utilities) feeling good with themselves on their success of their multi-billion dollar consumer rip-off.
The Senate can continue with this crap of imposing a Windfall Profit Tax. The monies the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities have already from gouged out of the consumer. As indicated by the preceding paragraph, it will have little to no effect as the monies that have been gouged from the consumer. The monies will stay with the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities. As a case in point, more recently, with People Energy (Gas) was ordered by the courts to pay back to their consumer $128,000,000.00 as the result of their participation with ENRON fiasco in 2001. Monies Peoples Energy (Gas) has no intention to return to the consumer. If, there were a cap on the price of natural gas, this crap from Peoples Energy (Gas) would not be happening. Saving the taxpayers millions in the legal process only for the consumer to get nothing in the end.
The one thing that would be in the best interest of “We The People” would be a real honest, aboveboard Federal Intervention by the Senate, Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission on the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities and their respected Executives.
“We The People”, need to have our Government to intercede and implement price control on U.S. Oil setting the price per barrel between $18.00 to $22.00 a barrel and the price of gas at the pump not to exceed $1.00 per gallon, set a limit of foreign oil imports not to exceed 20% of the nations consumption, increase of oil production form U.S. Oil Wells to balance the consumer requirements. Set penalties at $10,000.000.00 a day paid daily, for each/ any Oil Corporations, who manipulates a shortage of oil production or cutback of gas supply at the pump. Penalize the Natural Gas Industries/ Public Utilities accordingly, when artificially increase the price of Natural Gas to gouge the public. Set a cap on Natural Gas between $8.00 and $9.00 per 1MMbtu. Set the penalties accordingly for the Natural Gas Industries and Public Utilities. This would go a long way to eliminate the buying and selling of the same oil or natural gas repeatedly (gouging) before going to the consumer.
There is something (still) interesting in respect to the original emailing. To-date, there has been no mention of how many hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses (collectively) the executives of the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries and Public Utilities have been giving themselves each year over the last few years as the consumer been gouged at the pumps and now extreme gouging.
Back in September 2005 there was hundreds of millions barrel of free oil given to assist the consumer during that tragedy of hurricane Katrina followed with hurricane Rita. This is not including the addition oil from the federal reserves that the president had mentioned several times he was going to release. If he did, I am not aware the consumer was made aware of the additional free oil. But lets do some simple Math shall we. As reported by the Oil Corporations they process 3,000,000 barrels of oil a day. Wanting to keep it simple for those politicians and other government employees will limited capacity to comprehend; taking just two hundred million (200,000,000) barrel of free oil.
In keeping it simple that is 66 plus days of production at 3,000,000 barrels a day. Covering two months (plus) with all the platforms and oil tankers at zero production there was sufficient free oil to maintain full production of 3,000,000 barrel a day. But then they said some of the refineries were off line. Yes they were most were off line for about 72 hours and the others came back on line a few days afterwards. With the exception of those the Oil Corporation kept off line, you know one of ENRON tricks to create a false since of gas shortage. But we know the platforms were producing and the oil tankers continued to deliver their oil cargo. For the two months of free oil (200 million barrel) times 44 gallons of gas per barrel for the two months that is 8,800,000,000 gallons of gas not to mention diesel. That was sold for $3.00 a gallon (in some locations over $5.00). As we are trying to keep it simple using $3.00 a gallon, times 8,800,000,000 gallons of gas that would be at least $26,400,000,000.00. Since the 200,000,000 barrels of oil was free, the only overhead would be taxes, processing of the oil to gas and shipping and about 15% industry standard profit. I am not aware of any other expenses thus putting the Oil Corporations extreme gouging for these two months about $21,100,000,000.00. Keeping in-mind the numerious gas stations was well over the $3.00 pushing the extreme gouging a hell of a lot higher.
The above numbers do not cover the oil purchased through normal business dealings, processed and sold at the pumps at extreme gouging. It also did not cover the extreme gouging of diesel, which has been going on for just as long as the extreme gouging of gas at the pumps.
The reporter went on to say the sky rocketing prices in home heating. What is the damn problem? Can’t our government (Senators, Congressional Representatives) do more than one damn thing at a time? With this half-ass Senate Committee more interested in protecting the Oil Corporations, they can’t take a minute to realize the Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities are doing the same crap. With the rising natural gas prices for home heating as the result of the warmer than normal Fall season when November 2005 is about 20degress warmer than normal.
November 11 2005, Channel 5 morning NEWS, Mr. Brown is no longer on FEMA payroll as a consultant. They went on to say after his termination he was to receive one month of salary but was extended to the first of November based on an annual salary of $148,000.00 to cover his consulting fees. Who do they think they are kidding? It is interesting they said nothing about what he did within this time period. Even more interesting, nothing was said about any prosecution of FEMA and Homeland Security Management for the deaths of those who waited for help that never came. It is not going to go away, there is no statute of limitation on murder.
Monies still owed the consumer of Peoples Energy (Gas) $128,000,000.00 has yet to be paid back to the consumer from Peoples Energy (Gas) as ordered by the courts as the result of Peoples Energy (Gas) involvement with ENRON in 2001. But, we need to be fair about this; it is possible Peoples Energy (Gas) believes that money is rightfully theirs as their part of the ENRON fiasco (they worked very hard) with the manipulation of the prices of Natural Gas by reducing the supply of natural gas as they artificially inflated the price by the selling and re-selling of the same natural gas several times (or something along those lines) before it reached the consumer.
November 11, 2005 Channel 7 morning NEWS saying the crude oil price per barrel has dropped to $58.00.
Channel 32 Morning and Midday NEWS saying the Natural Gas reserve is more than expected (again). The cost for home heating will not be as high as first believed. That is hard to believe, as the Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities has justified the constant rate increases because of the colder than normal weather for the last few months. When it is about 20degrees higher than normal. As the reporter went on to say, the price of home heating will still be higher than last year. Why, last year was nothing than the result of artificially inflating the price of natural gas. This is the second time in the last three weeks where the Natural Gas Industries said the natural gas supply is higher than expected. The first time a few days after, the Natural Gas Industries raised their rates because of a diminished supply of Natural Gas. This is nothing but a pile of crap, the Natural Gas Industries Executives are having the various NEWS agencies pass on to the consumer various lies, in their attempt to keep the consumer on the defensive and confused as to what is what. I think that is call propaganda. The price of natural gas is still about twice that of last year for no legitimate reason outside of greed. I have also notices Peoples Energy (Gas) and NICOR Gas has not dropped their rates from earlier increases this year. As they continue to profess, they make no money on the re-sale of natural gas.
The reporter changing to the price (extreme gouging) of gas at the pumps saying, the price at the pumps are slowly dropping as the result of the consumer using less gas, resulting the increasing reserve. That is a pile of crap, the prices are falling (slowly as it were) because the consumer is taking steps to end the extreme gouging at the pumps. As the consumer, “We The People” has started to apply political pressure on the Senate and Congress to take action on the Oil Corporations, Natural Gas Industries with their Public Utilities on their extreme gouging at the pumps and in our homes.
Towards the end of the week, I heard a consumer of Peoples Energy (Gas) on the payment plan had a gas bill about three time her normal rate. Is this what she will have to pay for the next 11 months even if this consumer does not use the gas? While the Public Utilities continue telling the consumer they are not making any money off the re-sale of natural gas. Yeah, get real.
Also in the last few days, I have not heard these commercials using fear tactics on power outages like the California ENRON fiasco in their continuing attempt to get the cap removed from ComEd allowing an initial increase of 6% for deliveries with 14% for auction cost and additional 17% for grid charge for a total of 37% increase. But if that is going to be compounded, the increase will be over 41%. I hope the State and Federal Agencies or Commissions have not voted to remove the cap without telling the consumer. That would be the last element in the forming of what best could be describe as ENRON II covering the entire country with potential of, trillions of dollars in nationwide damage to the consumer and the economy as a whole For the consumer to pay for the destruction with their tax money.
I also noticed nothing being said in respect to the production of Hydrogen fuel cars. The following was presented in several forms in past weeks, stating the need for Hydrogen fuel cars to be on the market now.
The ideal weapon for the war on energy would be the Hydrogen fuel engine. The Hydrogen cars that would get (either 25 miles to 4 ounces of water or was it 25 miles per gallon of water) are by far better than gasoline. Either way, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than any gasoline car, even compared to a Hybrid car. Hello, the Automotive Industries can put the Hydrogen fuel cars on the road today if they wanted. Except the Oil Corporations are standing in the way with their political control. Tell me, isn’t that a violation of Anti Trust Laws. If it is and I am fairly certain it is, why aren’t the U.S. Attorney General and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission taking steps to prosecute them?
Combine that with eliminating the United States on dependency of foreign oil will in its self save the consumer trillions of dollars a year. With the use of Hydrogen fuel cars, home heating with Hydrogen fuel furnaces and hot water heaters, the environment will in-time reverse the damage done by the use of fossil fuels. The Oceans and Gulfs would cool back to their normal temperature, resulting in fewer hurricanes with less intensity.
An entry form months earlier: In the week of August 7, 2005 on channel 32 NEWS Chicago, there was a brief segment showing an individual who developed a Hydrogen Fuel Engine. He is using it as a hybrid and I believe he mentioned with the Hydrogen engine he got about 100 miles to 4 ounces (or did they say 4 gallons) of water, either way still very in-expensive and great for the environment.
This Hydrogen mentioned as I understood, converted the water to Hydrogen fuel and then utilized the Hydrogen gas as fuel. An engine for the most part will be self-sustaining with no real need for Hydrogen fuel stations. Such an engine could be on the market today if the Automotive Industry with the Oil Corporations wanted. The Hydrogen fuel engine in the United States, throughout Europe and China would reduce the world need for fossil fuel. The world as a whole will benefit greatly from the Hydrogen fuel engine cars.
I said it in my earlier emails, I will say it again whomever knows anyone in Europe, China, South America or any other countries, please feel free to forward these emails to them and request they do the same. If someone needs a full set of these emails, just ask whoever forwarded it to you and if they do not have a full set, eventually it will get back to me and I will forwarded you a full set for you to forward as you please. All it would take is for a company of any size, in the free world to start production and put the Hydrogen fuel cars in the hand of the consumers to fight our “We The People” War on Energy and Win.
Just so, those of you in the Oil Corporation realize the price at the pumps now at the Three Week mark. Still, the price at the pumps has not dropped $0.25 (25 cents). Let alone the two weeks originally stated by the NEWS agencies on behalf of the Oil Corporations. Gee, that cannot be considered NEWS could it? It sounds more like propaganda on behalf of the Oil Corporations.
The above is my personal opinion and observation, as the result of recent facts and events surrounding our Nations Largest Natural Disaster. Please feel free to add your personal opinion and send to the above as outlined in the first section of this letter. Those who have yet to receive the initial mailing will receive this as part of the initial mailing.
If in the future you wish not to receive the follow-ups, please respond no follow-ups.
Gene Short
Concern Consumer
Park Ridge , IL