I am 48 yrs old. I am basically a skilled machinist/construction and heavy equipment Operator. I have raised 4 Sons.
As I have strived to grab a piece of the American dream. I have had many encounters that have tried to take that away from me! First of all let it be said I have not been foolish. Let’s just say the rules and regulation and programs followed by more programs are not working for the American people in general to achieve success. It has been a showboat, smoke, not real. With this being said lets get to business in my opinion that needs to be done.
1. Congressmen and senators should vote by the voice of their people. Not by there opinion or what corporate America has to say.
2 vote per item not by docket meaning several bills put together
(There is time).
Now let’s get very serious:
Iraq: Get the forces and control Iraq I mean full scale war don't play around (if not get out) make Iraq people responsible for terrorist acts.
Word of mouth, communication with authorities, taking action to help. To help the forces.
Stop the Illegal Immigration ENFORCE our LAWS Get them OUT. If it was myself In another country I would be Thrown out on my ear even if I had been living there for 10 yrs. Build the FENCE! WHAT EVER it takes to get it done! Not 6 months not 1yr, but Now!!!! Here’s a thought send Mexico a Bill for what it has cost the tax payer for lost income, jobs, healthcare and Social Services and etc.
Fine any and all who employ Illegal immigrant’s big fines because it will not be tolerated by the Government. It makes Americans forced to compete for cheap wages!!!
Stop and make cooperate America bear the economical burden of this country Instead of passing it on to the American consumer so there profit margin gets bigger I mean I don’t get a raise when energy bill goes up so why should they being a American company not bear the same economical burden in there profit!! I suggest and it is the only tax I approve of is a corporate profit tax this way they would find new and better ways to make there product. Also included in this is a tax cut by how many raises did they give and how much according to there profits.
No more lobbing shot on sight, it would be effective! Make a law Prohibiting lobbing so the voice of the people would be the rule not businesses.
Stop the high cost of health care. Namely a cap on what doctors and hospitals can charge. I mean good health is about people not money! Good health is not just for the rich it should be for all people. Health insurance has to come way down some thing like 10.00 a wk. for an individual and 20.00 a wk. for families. Not what it has become today. It's quite possible there would be less fraud and law suites or malpractices because of a change like this. Modern technology should not be the expense of the patient nor should a life saving surgery be a 50 to 100's of thousands of dollars. America is only as strong as it weakest link, the same is true in health!!! Going to the Doctors should not cost 100.00 for 15 minutes of there time that's ridiculous it should have been 20.00 and to really size it up it shouldn't be more than a half a days wage, minimum wage! Health Insurance I saw this happen," My son was in a car accident awhile back he was in I.C.U. mess up pretty bad and while I was there, the hospital brought a man in on a gurney with his family standing by his side this was around 5 o’clock they were waiting for a liver to transplant the plane was ready to go, later I heard the man say to his wife don't let me die here mean while there was a liver in Texas perfect match but the insurance co said no if there was one in Kansas or Colorado it would be okay. I left the hospital and came back at 6:00am in the morning and the family was crying there dad and Husband had died early that morning why because no matching liver came up in Kansas or Colorado. But there was one in Texas but the insurance company said no they would not pay for it ! Well for what ever reason in my book that was murder and I wonder how many times that has happen because of money!!!!
Education: First of all I have seen this and I know this to be a fact!
Our biggest Problem is Teachers do not work with there students ONE ON ONE in high school or college!!! I saw this in college the professor said "I will not repeat myself so you had better listen the first time or write faster or get a tape recorder" and he meant it!!! He said he makes 100,000.00 a yr and don't care if you pass or fail it make no difference to him" Now my son is going to college and the same was said to him. Now there is your Problem not the tests!! Bring the cost down and get rid of that attitude and stop paying that kind of money for professor's and get back to teaching tell each one get’s it. We will be back on top again. If you think I'm absurd check out Communist China's or India’s Schools and you will find ONE ON ONE!!!!
Well this is what I had to say so hoping my senator and congressmen are watching, you are my voice in the government I want it to be heard as well as many other's like me who feel the same and want to see these issue resolved now not later.
Thank you for reading this American’s opinion which was shared by many other Americans as well. Please Once again congressmen or senator not your opinion’s but the voice of Americans should be heard in OUR GOVERMENT!!!!!
Thank you Respectfully William