Instead of handing out our money to other countries how about handing out money to solve the social security problem Instead of aid to other countries how about aid to health care to lower our cost of good health or how about aid to the education system or aid to finding new oil in our country to get off of foreign Oil or aid to help us from losing 1/3 of our paycheck from higher energy cost or aid for our nations highway system or aid for the homeless: The government needs to take care of its OWN FIRST before helping other nations ,yes it is Honorable and so is helping your people after all whos money is it. I don't recall any new Taxes or Programs to Pay for this Foreign Aid so why not Help your people with the problems of everyday Life. Instead of always taking Start putting back foreign aid to cover the basics and equality of life here on our shores. For those who say programs are don't finish that statment . It cost more money to make programs than it does to help the people. Just give the aid directly where it is needed. The better your people are the better WE STAND AS A WHOLE NATION YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME There are many Issues I have not mention so feel free. It is my hope that some goverment Offical will see this and keep it in mind and perhaps do something about it. In closing this is the bare fact Everything is going up but our wages, a lot of us would like to stand on our own but our jobssss are not enough. why?