Published on August 24, 2005 By wmsco In Current Events
Our goverment should of not acknowledge this claim of assasination by a response!
Pat Robertson can say what he wants he is a American and that is his right. The Ideal of a foriegn country trying to pend some action on one mans opinion here on our soil, our forefathers of this country would be rolling in their grave to hear such a thing and if were here would of said kiss my foot and grow up!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 26, 2005
My status... suddenly... feels inflated.

If you feel it too often, you'll go blind.

Nawwwww, the plams of his hands will get hairy!
on Aug 26, 2005
I'm a Chavez supporter, and the way I see it, I don't think Pat Robertson poses a threat to Chavez (Chavez even said that he didn't even know who Robertson was), so since he can't cause harm, he has the right to be a moron and we have the right to call him a moron. But had Robertson, say, been giving a lot of guns to followers in Colombia as well, something should be done because then he would pose a threat to Venezuela and Chavez. However, I do think Chavez's fear of being assassinated/overthrown is realistic, considering what happened to Allende, Arbenz, etc. and the last coup attempt on him. But I don't think it will be Pat Robertson who takes him out.
on Aug 26, 2005
1. The US Govt didn't force him to apologize
2. No outside group forced him to apologize

Pat shot off his mouth and said something stupid. Everyone then came back and said "Dude, that was DUMB" The US Govt only said that they thought the idea was dumb and wouldn't listen to Robertson for foreign policy decisions.

Where was his freedom of speech denied? Show one shred of proof, one example.
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