Published on August 24, 2005 By wmsco In Current Events
Our goverment should of not acknowledge this claim of assasination by a response!
Pat Robertson can say what he wants he is a American and that is his right. The Ideal of a foriegn country trying to pend some action on one mans opinion here on our soil, our forefathers of this country would be rolling in their grave to hear such a thing and if were here would of said kiss my foot and grow up!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 24, 2005
Has anyone said he isn't allowed to say it? I think most of us are just commenting on how it differs from what he claims to stand for.
on Aug 24, 2005
Just as you are free to make any crazy comments you wish here on JU, wmsco (SHEEHAN IS RIGHT!!!). As it should be.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

on Aug 24, 2005
I'm pretty sure that when a citizen threatens to kill someone, he should be reprimanded...maybe that's just me...
on Aug 25, 2005
if i didn't think they'd find too much common ground and benefit from synergism, i'd be in favor of recruiting chavez and robertson for a special game of survivor farallon island. since the farallons are home to elephant seals who clap their flippers together and bark alot the winner would be the haranguer who who regularly drew the largest crowd.

as cruel as it might seem at first consideration, as long as they keep clapping and cheering, chavez''supporters' and robertson's 'congregation' won't be ripped apart by hungry great white sharks.
on Aug 25, 2005
ahh..the age of government conspiracies.
on Aug 25, 2005
Whether he was right or wrong in his community doesn't matter that's for them to decide.
The point is a foreign nation wants to have you, thats right you reprimanded for your opinion! Or writing or etc.
HEADS UP PEOPLE! WHY WAS IT GIVEN ANY  RECOGNITION AT ALL. He was told to make a apology. If it was to the community well okay BUT if it was for the Foreign nation kiss my foot and grow up!
    If this is still not making any sense then how about this . Anti Americanism we are not making them apologize who live in other countries. Or making a phone call to demand action. That is the Heads Up people Whats going on here? It should of not made the news or anything. And should not of been told to make a apology to a Foreign nation.
on Aug 25, 2005
Pfft. Who made him make an apology? Back that one up. No one made him apologize. Show me the court order.

Iran wants us all to rot. Who gives a damn what a foreign nation wants? When someone in the government insists Pat Robertson apologizes and threatens action if he doesn't, come back and rant. Pat could apologize or not, and there'd be nothing they could do about it.

In the meantime, all you are doing is trying to silence people, like me, who think Robertson is an idiot.
on Aug 25, 2005
In the meantime, all you are doing is trying to silence people, like me, who think Robertson is an idiot.nope rambel all you want I made the point.
on Aug 25, 2005
YOUR NOT GETTING THE POINTWhether he was right or wrong in his community doesn't matter that's for them to decide. now you're saying that only Robertson's community can decide if what he did is right or wrong? Who's trying to control who can say what now?
on Aug 25, 2005
Posts and articles with a lot of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors are difficult to read.
on Aug 26, 2005
The point seems to be that someone forced Robertson to apologize. I asked you to back that up, and you dodged it. I don't think you've made your point at all.

No one made Robertson do anything. No one in the government used their authority to silence him, so your accusation is bunk.
on Aug 26, 2005
Pat shooting his mouth off just goes to show that freedom of speech gives you the right to make an asshole out of yourself.

But it is a right nonetheless. Besides, who can take that idiot seriously?

The guy makes Falwell look credible for gods sakes!
on Aug 26, 2005
' Talk about a bug in the we have a "super elite" that can't even spell "Speech."'

How true, LW. Not to mention: should of not acknowledge - assasination - foriegn - pend - one mans opinion - rolling in their grave - would of - YOUR NOT - thats right - a apology - should of not - a apology - rambel?

Lucas - is that you?
on Aug 26, 2005
I really hate run-on sentences.
on Aug 26, 2005
anyone smell an alter-ego? My status... suddenly... feels inflated.
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