None of our congressmen are asking the right questions!
Katrina Okay I accept that one.
Where are they records of what they paid for the oil and when and how long does it take to get here? Because every event that happen our gas went up and this has happen since we sent our troops over seas. To my knowledge when oil was purchased it takes 5 to 10 days to get here by ship and another 7 days or so at the refinery and to location so that being said you can see why I say we were being gouged because it did not cost what we paid at the pump the very next day because of an event such as power failure in Iraq.
Opec only makes up 13% of our oil Mexico does that much as well our largest is Canada at 17% and so on So why the big concern about opec they should not dictate oil prices but wall street seems to think so. Opec says boo oil just went up that does not make sense they are only 13% of what we buy so again I say price gouging.
They say its free enterprise.
They are laws protecting consumers on the basic needs such as utilities they just cant hike it because they want to.
Gasoline natural gas and diesel fuel are our nations blood without it we don't run so it too falls in the same category as the protection laws for the consumer I mean how many Electric co. are out there? So your pretty much stuck with what you got! Electric Co. just don't pop up over night same is true with Oil co. The consumer laws are there to give us mercy instead of just ponds at there mercy.
They have cornered the supply and demand market such as refineries because of mergers but there reply Oh we invest in overseas an such as well THAT'S BLOWING SMOKE to cloud the issue COME-ON CONGRESSMEN get to the point
where are the records from my understanding they shut down alot of refineries to what we have now. WHY are they not opening them and please billions of dollars to expand
I mean come on the average Joe can do it for half that your just throwing cash away!! And Hell no the Gov. is not going to subsidize you! You could of done it already but your pissed off because of the eighties when you got taxed and decided to layoff most of your workers that's why we are in this boat, further more every gal. we pay your transportation fees and we pay your barrel cost and we pay your refinery cost no wonder you collectively made 25 billion I mean come on CONGRESS get with it GET THE FACTS and regulate and force them to do something and put demands on them by time they get around to it we could be paying $10.00 a gal. and personally There hiding Oil. I mean know where it is at The excuse was not paying enough to drill so they did nothing and made small oil co. shut down or sold out. They also did not setup or invest in refineries that can make fuel out of thicker and cheaper oil crude they just want to run the sweet Oil and thats why we are paying a premium now! Ethenol fuels are only a penny cheaper than a regular gal. of gas Why? Thats a 80 cent rip off and in some cases it cost more than premuim gas. Diesel fuel is the cheapest fuel to make and it is higher than gas I mean CONGRESS get to the bottom of this, Don't believe what they say prove it show me!!!!
Well I feel better now getting that off my chest. This whole Thing will probably blow over because of the Oil co. spend 60 million a yr. lobbying congress every yr. But my hopes would be that maybe you the media and people could speak out so that congress would get to the point and quit showboating.
In our society today energy is a must a basic need by everyone and we should not be victimized because of greed!
Yes the gov. need to mandate because it is our nations blood from the farmer to the miner to the manufactures to transportation to factories to the store and finally the consumer who has to pay for it ALL!! IT IS VERY MUCH A BASIC NEED.