Published on January 26, 2005 By wmsco In Blogging
We have passed Legislation limiting the Rights of smokers, where they can Eat, what restaurants, what jobs, put out in the cold, what appartments etc., the list goes on and on!
 Did we do this to the different nationalities?  Did we legalise a certain life style?
If we squeeze out the last smoker, who is next?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 26, 2005
what affects me is non smokers crying about smokers........i get really
mad....get a life, find a new hobbie....all those who are bashing on smokers only makes
me wanna blow smoke in your face....
i can't imagine clubs banning smoking....they would have no customers if they tried that here....same goes for restaurants....i sure wouldn't go.....not that i NEED to smoke, but i WANNA smoke....(i can get so irritated by crying non-smokers)
on Jan 26, 2005
OZZY, I'm at a loss as to how to respond to your ignorance, so I won't.
on Jan 26, 2005
What specific part of the Constitution are you referring to? I don't remember the part that says you have the right to smoke and endanger others with it.
I don't remember it saying the opposite either?

ozzy there making laws so you can't smoke and soon it will be everywhere! I read an article ozzy a Co. said no more smoking and gave test to make sure if you worked for this Co. you could not smoke at all including home outside anywhere! who the blank are they,And what I do on my time is is is my time and the thing is ozzy they got away with it take smoking out of it and put anything you want in it and it STILL IS NOT RIGHT as far as personal freedoms being limited legally
on Jan 26, 2005
so if i say how i feel, i'm being ignorant..?? ??
plz explain....
on Jan 26, 2005
a Co. can hire whoever they want imo. if somebody doesn't want me because
i smoke that's their loss....thank you and goodbye...
just don't try to stop me from smoking...or doing what i wanna do (within reason offcourse)
on Jan 26, 2005
By the consitution I have a right.

A constitutional right to what? Smoke? LOL

what gave you the right to limit me, this is the legal issue here if thay can do this what is next?

I'd be surprised if your constitution didn't say somewhere that citizens must obey their laws also. LOL

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 26, 2005
No Ozzy the way you feel is correct you were brought up in this country to make your own choices, sponsored and endorsed by this country. Now they are passing laws against you and others like you because they think there life style is better than yours or mine. The fact is they did not as a whole, as one voice band it from our country instead they started stomping on the people by passing laws that support there life style. you are far from being ignorant!
on Jan 26, 2005
Ok. Nobody is banned from any public place. You, as a smoker, are free to go to all of the places that we non smokers go. But you cannot do whatever the hell you want in a public place. Get a clue. I can't light a bonfire in a restaurant. I can't bring in a gun. I can't be drunk and disorderly to the point of affecting others. I can't pop someone in the skull for being ignorant. I can't display road rage. All of these actions affect those around me. So does smoking. Are you blind? Can't you see that the air around you is full of a poison that others may not want to breathe?

Nobody is banning you. Just an action that has negative consequence to any in the area. Forgive my rudeness. I'm a little touchy on the subject. Many of you know why. Read the latest smoking thread if you care to know.

WMSCO, OZZY, and any others. You have a right to do what you want. You have a right to go where you want. But you don't have a right to do what you want at every public place. I think you would say I had a screw loose if I went into an airport with a bomb. Do I have a right to carry a bomb? Constitution doesn't say "no".
on Jan 26, 2005
hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm let me see doesnt the consitution say we are all equal and one should not be put above another. Does it say I have a choice
on Jan 26, 2005
As Sleeping Dragon says, there is a line drawn when it comes to affecting and hurting others in a negative way. You can't go around murdering people or driving wrecklessly or hitting people upside the heads with shovels and get away with it...smoking is no different.

Does no one have a sense of common decency? If you want to smoke, fine, just don't infect me with it! I have a right to breathe fresh air free of toxic poisons, how do YOU have that right to take it away from ME?
on Jan 26, 2005

on Jan 26, 2005
we are all equal. Dig a little common sense out of that thing between your shoulders. Equality doesn' give you the right to harm others. Tell me how your smoking in public is harmless to others and I'll show you someone who really doesn't think things through before they speak.
on Jan 26, 2005
you are already breathing toxic poison when you go outside, probably worse then somebody smoking near you !!!
on Jan 26, 2005
i'm no longer irritated, just enjoying a "healthy" discussion
on Jan 26, 2005
sigh. IF INGESTING ARSENIC IS STUPID, DOES THAT MAKE IT OK TO DRINK BATTERY ACID? Two wrongs don't make a right. You're contributing to the toxins. If the world is already polluted, is it ok to litter? NNNOOooooo. Same as your smoking nonsense.
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