Published on January 26, 2005 By wmsco In Blogging
We have passed Legislation limiting the Rights of smokers, where they can Eat, what restaurants, what jobs, put out in the cold, what appartments etc., the list goes on and on!
 Did we do this to the different nationalities?  Did we legalise a certain life style?
If we squeeze out the last smoker, who is next?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 26, 2005
oh, you're funny. Honestly. A very astute mind. Amazing that such a sharp brain is held captive by a drug that shortens lives and empties wallets.
on Jan 26, 2005
i'm not sure if i'm held captive.......never tried to break free.....
suddenly i'm thinking about "hotel california" check in anytime you like, but you
can never leave......
on Jan 26, 2005
guess you fell asleep again.....that's cool.....i would if i was talking to me...
talking about sleep...i'm getting some, it's like 2:30 in the night now so it's way past my bedtime
this was fun, should do it again sometime
c ya
on Jan 26, 2005
The Constituton was created for everyone in America. It was also created by Men who smoked and drank. Thankfully there weren't any closed minded liberals associated with politics at the time of it's printing.
on Jan 26, 2005

#37 by Citizen -OZZY- Abreviating expletives is the same as using they were removed.

'FU' is not acceptable in debate, comment or this forum, when responding to a fellow site member.

Sorry to tread on your 'constitutional' toes...but rules exist in is what makes [or is supposed to make] us above the 'common herd'....

on Jan 26, 2005

Adam Michael ...had they known about the inherent dangers of the habit it's a safe bet it would have ranked a mention .... somewhere...

BTW....I smoke [not habitually], and am not American....

on Jan 26, 2005
Being a non-smoker, my problem with smokers is that overall most don't seem to show that they care about those who don't wish to be around the smoke. Its this lack of respect that bothers me. Go ahead and smoke if you wish to ingest something unnatural, just keep it away from me. It is the only addiction that directly affects others besides the user.
It is difficult I understand when it comes to public places. Who should "win". However it isn't really a matter of winning. Smoking is being banned in places because you can't ban clean air, or require non-smokers to smoke.
Why not just face the facts and realize you have a habit and in order to "enjoy" that habit you should respect others who wish not to indulge in that habit.
We don't want you to stop smoking (though that would be best for you), we just are asking that you not force us to smoke secondhand.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 26, 2005
Thumbs up to Sleeping Dragon for arguing the point of those that wish to live full, healthy, long lives.

Whats the figure... a pack takes a month off of your lifespan? Something along those lines...
on Jan 26, 2005
I smoke.
When it becomes "illegal" to smoke within the confines of my own home(and it eventually will), I'll be a law breaker.*Shrug*.
as far as having constitutional rights taken away, Smoking is not free speech, it is not religious ritual(in most cases), it is not involved in the right to bear arms(though the government agency that deals with smoking also dealswith arms), it is not preventing anyone from due process (yet,.... but they're working on it, especially where insurance companies are concerned.eventually if you smoke no court in the land will rule in your favor in a case involving denial of insurance payment for smoke related injuries or illness.), it doesn't involve illegal search and seizure(yet, ....because it is not yet illegal to possess or use tobacco products), and it can't effect whether or not the government can take your land(unless of course you live in a state that bans the farming of tobacco , in which case you can in fact lose your land to the government.) I think there's a few others on the list I am probably missing, and I may have confused an amendment or two with constitutional right, but the two go hand in hand, but you get my gist.
Smokers "rights" have nothing whatsoever to do with the constitution of the united states.
As I recall, though, Drinkers "rights" have been violated once before in this country, with a devastating and long lasting effect. Drinkers regained their "rights",eventually. So maybe for you , wmsco, there is hope in getting back your"rights",... but don't count on it.
on Jan 26, 2005
Wulfn - I don't think that cigarettes will ever be banned here in the US becuase there would be a big riot if they were.
on Jan 26, 2005
You know Ghos I respect that and  would comply cheerfully as not hinder you in anyway as it should be. The other side of the coin even though I gave way to your rights,feelings and respect they totally blew mine off and started making and passing laws and restrictions and i agree on some I would'nt want to smoke in a hospital or such common sense things as that But the point I have been trying to make is: What has been a issue here,. is they passed laws governing life styles and yet the nation does not stand as a whole. Meaning we will have more laws made and more abundantly without regard or respect to other life styles this leaves the door open to legal predigest!  A Just law would consider both sides and not make way for a minority.
As a nation we must not pass laws and endorse the opposite in our open market
on Jan 26, 2005
People are funny!

If I want to die of old age....let me
If I want to die for my country...let me
If I want to die of lung cancer...let me
If I want to die just cause I wanna die...let me

We're all gonna die of something....and That you can't control!

Get over it, stop complaining and......Live

on Jan 27, 2005
Perhaps....but when something you do adversely affects someone else...not gonna happen like that. We all have a right to be protected from such things, just because there's a constituion and all this crap about rights and what don't have the right to try to kill me or anyone else in your own suicidal mission. That seems to be the crucial point that the topic starter and his followers just can't grasp.
on Jan 27, 2005
Bebi Bulma...Here's the deal! You have absolutely no control over what happens to you, sweetheart.
on Jan 27, 2005
You could get hit by a truck tomorrow, how could you stop it? When your time is up....well you know. Like China
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