Published on January 26, 2005 By wmsco In Blogging
We have passed Legislation limiting the Rights of smokers, where they can Eat, what restaurants, what jobs, put out in the cold, what appartments etc., the list goes on and on!
 Did we do this to the different nationalities?  Did we legalise a certain life style?
If we squeeze out the last smoker, who is next?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jan 27, 2005
Yes but that truck driver would likely be arrested and most likely charged with assault with a deadly weapon (if under the influence or something) or a ticket for running a red light, a civil law suit for any sorts of things, something like that depending on the circumstances. You can't just do anything you want when it affects other people in a harmful way and say you can because it's your "right", it just doesn't work that way.

*sigh* Why don't people have respect for anyone else these days...if you want to smoke fine, other people around you probably don't and yet you force it onto them. Sorry if I'd like to be able to breathe without running the risk of breathing in second hand smoke and developing cancer.

As you said, I'd like to be able to live my life without having to breathe second hand smoke being forced down my throat.
on Jan 27, 2005
Maybe that truck driver was just trying to make a living to support his family, got tired and dozed off and drove his truck into you. Are you going to cry " Where were the sleep Police" ?

I think most people are good people...some make bad choices.

You have no control......

Enjoy the Ride

on Jan 27, 2005
*sigh* Why don't people have respect for anyone else these days...if you want to smoke fine, other people around you probably don't and yet you force it onto them. Sorry if I'd like to be able to breathe without running the risk of breathing in second hand smoke and developing cancer.

Try this: Everytime I step outside I have to breathe the polluted air that comes from peoples cars like yours. I fail to see the difference since cars produce most of the same deadly gases that cigarettes do. In fact they produce more and is probably why global warmoing is happening, Yet I do not sit here and say driving is wrong.

Everyone is pointing fingers but yet everyone is part of the problem. Even if your a non smoker your still in some small way affecting others around you by polluting.
on Jan 27, 2005
Yes but once again...there are laws about restricting the pollution emitted by cars, ie: smog checks. If your car doesn't pass, you can't get it registered. Limiting smokers' ability to smoke in public places is the SAME thing.

And this law has been in action for something like 10 years (I think?). As some of you have said to us non-smokers, get over it (can go both ways you see).
on Jan 27, 2005
What has been a issue here,. is they passed laws governing life styles and yet the nation does not stand as a whole.

The laws being passed that governed your "rights" or freedom to smoke where you choose were created by the duly elected officials that the majority of folks voted for....the will of the people. Can a group of folks that are in the minority in numbers be heard, change public opinion, make a difference in America? Yes they can and that is why America doesn't suck. Will it happen with smokers' "rights" being upheld? I'm afraid it won't, because the activity is a health risk for others, not just the smoker.

As for the fear that one day you will not be able to smoke in your own home or vehicle....this is a states' rights issue and just as many other laws have been enacted, because someone recognized the potential physical and/or mental harm that may become a child, you may find your state legislators enacting rules concerning children and smoking around them, since the state represents their best interests above yours.
on Jan 27, 2005
You don't half to breath my smoke you have a choice, leave but god for bid that! Your being just as selfish as you claim the smokers are! the validity of your points is true but you have become blind to what has been said you are allowing laws and restrictions to be applied that are paving the way, the doors swung wide open, quote {there working on it} unquote,and they will come against your life style untill eventually there is only one exceptable lifestyle and being ignorant you allow it to happen because of legistration already done. You have failed to grasp that! All because it supported your lifstyle. all the injustices already done while you were on the other side of the fence but one day you will be on the other side and you won't have a leg to stand on because you allowed it to happen!!! Maybe I should of used something else instead of the constituion but i know this from the time i step out of my house i have rights and freedom of choice and untill the time i came home and while i'm at home and it does not matter if you like them or not because you have the same choice but when you start making laws and restrictions taking away my LAW BIDING choices it is wrong no matter the LAW BIDING SITUATIONS it is wrong and it will bite you back. you have become so worried over the situation you forgot to look around and see what is happening. THAT IS MY POINT If you still dont understand then it been fun (get your eyes off the smoking and look at whats being done)bye
on Jan 27, 2005
they would have no customers if they tried that here....same goes for restaurants....

Oh, yeah? That no-one can be sure of. As of April last year, all smoking in public places were banned in Norway. and we now see an increase in people going to restaurants, clubs etc. Most people do in fact like to eat in a clean place with clean air (at least where I come from), even though they may be smokers, and I must say I like to come home from from a night on the town with my clothes not smelling like an ashtray.

If I smoke? Yes.
on Jan 27, 2005
Wait a minute, why should we have to leave for wanting to breathe air that is free from toxic carcinogens?? Are you out of your mind? Well EXCUSE ME for having to do know it is an involuntary action (or maybe you don't?). So now we're being selfish for breathing....give me a break.

The laws were passed to PROTECT people. That's what the elected officials are there serve and protect.

I feel like I'm talking to my cat (you know how they just ignore you).
on Jan 27, 2005
Yes but once again...there are laws about restricting the pollution emitted by cars, ie: smog checks.

Oregon dosen't have smog laws.

by the way I am a Smoker and I say if my smoke offends you - leave. I do go out of my way to make sure I smoke away from others and I smoke outside. I don't think smoking will ever be outlawed - too many smoke and that would start a riot. But here's some food for thought: Smoking is not the number 1 killer in the US. Guess what is? People being overweight.

And I am quite sure Alcohol kills more people than cigarettes if you figure in drunk driving and all.
on Jan 27, 2005
Actually heart disease in general is the number 1 cause, not obesity (although obesity can lead to heart disease). Cancer is second...and guess what smoking leads to...cancer.

But once again, why should I have to leave a public place, that is protected by laws and such passed to protect me as a citizen, just so that I can breathe clean air? I have a right to breathe clean air, I'm not going to give that up to indulge smokers in their path of self-destruction. If you want to slowly kill yourself...fine, none of my business, just don't drag me down with you.
on Jan 27, 2005
they will come against your life style untill eventually there is only one exceptable lifestyle and being ignorant you allow it to happen because of legistration already done. You have failed to grasp that! All because it supported your lifstyle.

The only point I'll concede to you in your entire #66 post is that I am most probably ignorant. Ignorant for smoking the last 21-years of my life and continuing to do so.

BTW who is this mystical they you keep referring to if it isn't the government officials you and I and our peers elected? I'm assuming since you keep talking about the constitution that you are from America and not some backwater dictatorship where people don't have real rights or a say in how they are governed. When "they" enact laws to inhibit or ban your, as you put it, "law abiding choices" then your choices are no longer law abiding. There was a time when LSD and cocaine were legal here and changing attitudes about marijuana has made use of it in certain situations...medical in some states. What's acceptable by society changes and will continue to change, hopefully for the best for the majority of folks.

Yrgal is right about businesses that provide for social gathering and activities that ban smoking. Generally their patronage increases.
on Jan 27, 2005
But once again, why should I have to leave a public place, that is protected by laws and such passed to protect me as a citizen, just so that I can breathe clean air? I have a right to breathe clean air, I'm not going to give that up to indulge smokers in their path of self-destruction. If you want to slowly kill yourself...fine, none of my business, just don't drag me down with you.

My whole point is the fact we have no fresh clean air thanks to Pollution that everyone has caused.
on Jan 27, 2005
Now what I do have an issue with is the taxes placed by state and local governments on tobacco products. If the monies garnered were to be used to offset healthcare costs, provide rehabilitative services, public education about the dangers of tobacco products and go toward medical research of cancer and heart diseases that would be one thing, but the government uses the monies for other purposes, school funding, road repair, etc. The government has a "captive" audience and both smokers and nonsmokers alike should be pushing to have this changed. Not the amount of taxes or if there should be any taxes at all on tobacco products, but where and how the money is spent, because spending those monies on the issues I mentioned above will benefit everyone in the long run.
on Jan 27, 2005
oops sorry there another word i can use instead ??
i didn't mean it to be disrespectful....discussions can get heated sometimes
again....i'm sorry
on Jan 27, 2005
Stop being so selfish and thinking only about things that affect you and the lifestyle in your lifetimes!
Why not instead concentrate on things that will have a better impact on your younger generations and those to come.

We're so consumed with our own personal happiness and prosperity that we're so easily offended when something comes to challenge us in order to make the future better for our children and their children.

Governments and lawmakers should always make laws that will aid in the betterment of society as a whole.
There is nothing good about smoking. It has no redeeming qualities or attributes. It is a poison and a carcinogenic substance and is addictive and therefore a negative influence on society as a whole.
Imagine what kind of society we would be creating if everyone could smoke. It would only have a negative impact for our future.

Smoking should never have been allowed to become so popular in the first place. We're paying for the mistakes of our forefathers and now we're trying to correct the error and change our way of thinking. Get with the picture.
Think of your children. Look them in the eye and think seriosly about what you're supporting.
If you still support the smoking issue, you might as well give them a lit cigarrette right now.

My two cents.
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